A Váróterem Projekt honlapja

four and a half

On Monday, 31st of November, from 6pm there will be a private presentation of the work in progress premier of our newest show called four and a half. The play was directed by Visky Andrej, based on Györfi Kata’s texts. Starting from a vision of the relationship between man and technology, the show presents some stories of certain people, who are trying to keep themselves away from their reality, creating thusly a nother reality. The coexistence of these two realities questions again and again the meaning of it’s own and their side by side existence. The play was created under the F(ab)rica – contemporary plays about the relationship between man and technology and the Transhuman projects. Sponsors: Romanian National Cultural Fund (Administrația Fondului Cultural Național – AFCN), Cluj-Napoca Mayor’s Office (Primăria și Consiliul Local al Municipiului Cluj-Napoca), Bethlen Gábor Fund Management (BGA). Thank you for your support!