Titleless Performance about the Homeless

Directed by: István Albu
Texts: István Albu, Johanna Bertóti, Noémi Daróczi
Playreader: Johanna Bertóti
Costume designer: Andrea Kürti
Production assistant: Krisztina Sipos
Lights and sound: Tamás Imecs
Featuring: Zsolt Csepei, Noémi Daróczi, Levente Imecs-Magdó, Éva Imre, Bence Molnár, Maja Sebők, Emese Simó, Nándor Vetési

First run: December 16, 2012, at Váróterem
Language: Hungarian, with Romanian subtitles

This play features a non-traditional approach of the topic, i.e. lacking the traditional theatrical means as it elaborates a non-existent play. The starting point consist of presenting a reality experienced by all of us: the people that had to resort to living on the streets as well as the members of the performing group, basically by anybody.
The creators of this play have been inspired by the lives lived in their close proximity: on the street. An essential part of the rehearsals had been the research that consisted of meeting and interviewing the homeless. The next step had been a close examination of the body of literature on the subject (documentaries, plays or even pieces of writings authored by the homeless). The audience, therefore, is facing a rare case when the work process generates both the play itself, i.e. the text, and its rendering.
The structure of the play may also be considered somewhat unconventional. The audience will not be presented one story line but different story fragments that are connected to several subtopics all forming one whole jigsaw puzzle. While engaged in this particular chain rehearsal the performing group mainly focused on the following issues: How can they complete (or rather fulfil) such a demanding mission as the one in question: approaching a complex yet weighty topic? What are the omissions and malpractices that affect this layer of society and how could a play shed light on these? Is it possible to really help these people without only wanting to quench our conscience’s inevitable thirst? Is it enough, nay, is it ethical to create a play inspired by them?

Festival Participation:
June 27, 2013 – Festival of Hungarian Theatres at Kisvárda, 25th edition

Photos by Simon Barni.